dinsdag 17 maart 2015

Shoulder Spring Warmup Prep

Hi Ninja's,

Coming months we're going to put some attention into shoulder health & ankle mobility.
This 2 months the shoulder is getting highlighted  for a moment,
in particular the scapula (shoulder blade).

The shoulder is craved for complexity because of the ball & socket architecture of the glenohumeral joint & the scapula that's moving swiftly (that's how it's supposed to be) over the thorax allowing even more range of motion. Did you know the only joint attaching the arm to the thorax is actually the sternoclavicular joint? This explains why people breaking their collar bone can do shit with their arms. 

Arms are made for manipulating objects & moving freely to express oneself. Think about dancing, playing, crafting,.....

It's very important that we keep moving in this wide range of motion, so or shoulder won't grow into fixed positions. Think about the rounded shoulders forward, anterior position of the head because of the sitting disease. Move your shoulder often in different positions, it'll be grateful & less likely getting injured.

A less mobile scapula will get your shoulder joint more easily impinged (impingment syndrome) and eventually can lead to inflammation of the surrounding musculature or capsule of the shoulder. Most common are tendintis of the supraspinatus or the long head of the biceps tendon (mostly because of overcompensating the weakened musculature due to pain inhibition)

The coming band warmup is a prehab tool we're using momentairly a few months to get people used to shoulder/scapular movements as a startoff for preventing shoulder problems (here's a youtube clip starring head coach Bert & Chong).

 Here a more detailed version of the exercises performed

A lot of credit goes to Ido Portal, Kelly Starret & ofcourse our coaches Bert & Chong for the awesome video.

See you next posts ninja's

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